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Recent Victories

Seven positive judgments totalling $169,801 including a Marriott case amounting to $40,710

Seven positive judgments totalling $169,801 including a Marriott case amounting to $40,710

ACC and their partners are pleased to inform you of this week's victories. The umbrella of ACC and ECC's lawyers secured seven positive awards with a total value of $169,801 which is an average claim amount of $24,256.

Here is a breakdown of the substantive cases:

1st Court of Instance:

  • Marriott - The judge declared the contract null under the law 42/1998 due to lack of information regarding the contract duration.  There were 3 different contracts in this case, so the price awarded is a combination of USD and GBP converted at today's exchange rate. Amount Awarded - $40,710.
  • Silverpoint - The judge declared the contract null and void and the case is already included in Silverpoint's insolvency proceedings. Amount Awarded - $28,878.
  • Club la Costa - The judge declared the contract null and void under the law 42/1998 due to lack of information regarding the contract duration.  Amount Awarded - $21,502.


  • Anfi - The Court of Appeal No.3 in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria has confirmed this judgement still stands from the first instance which was declared null and void due to lack of information regarding the contract period - Law 04/2012.Amount Awarded $38,056.

  • Anfi - The Court of Appeal No.3 in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria has confirmed 3 further judgements still stand from the first instance which was declared null and void due to lack of information regarding the accommodation and period under Law 04/2012. Total Amount Awarded £32.034.

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