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Freed timeshare owner Keith shares his experience with Timeshare Advice Centre and ACC

Freed timeshare owner Keith shares his experience with Timeshare Advice Centre and ACC

Keith David - Holiday Inn

Timeshare purchase

Keith Davis is a personable, decent human being. The 55 year old Pennsylvania native is a staunch Christian who cooks food for clients of a rehab centre in Philadelphia City.

He and his wife Leslie signed up for a Holiday Inn timeshare membership while on vacation in North Carolina, giving in to great pressure from the sales agent. "They just wouldn´t let us leave," Keith smiles ruefully. "We made the wrong decision by joining that day."

The Davises soon realised their purchase made no sense that same evening. "We went through the figures of the annual maintenance fees and other costs," recounts Keith. "Any way you look at it, it is a more expensive way to vacation."

Cancellation attempts

The couple quickly contacted Holiday Inn to cancel within the legally mandated cancellation period but, Keith tells us, the resort failed to respond. "We couldn't get through to the right person on the phone, and our emails went unanswered."

Not knowing what else to do, and assuming that the resort must have honoured their legal obligation to cancel the contract, Keith and Leslie hoped that the unwanted ownership was now voided.

One year later, Keith and Leslie were shocked to find themselves being harassed over maintenance fees for the timeshare membership. "They started threatening us with legal action," says Keith. "It was a worrying time."

TAC and ACC to the rescue

The couple researched for a firm to help them escape the contract. "It was difficult. We were well aware that there are many scam companies out there offering this service," says Keith. "We came cross ACC and realised pretty quickly that they were different. We asked them to help."

Timeshare Advice Center (TAC) is a brand of American Consumer Claims (ACC) and both played their part in the Davis' timeshare relinquishment experience.

Keith has nothing but positive things to say about dealing with TAC and ACC. "You guys at TAC and ACC have been so informative and helpful. Always available, answering every question and great with communication."


What message does Keith have for other people considering approaching TAC and ACC for help?

"If anyone out there is looking for a trustworthy and capable company to help with a timeshare exit, we recommend ACC," he states firmly.

"ACC is with you every step of the way to clarify and explain.

"You achieved our exit in no time flat, and for that I want to thank you."

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